The Samantha Goudy Scholarship was established by members of First English Lutheran Church in Lennox, SD in honor of Samantha Goudy [1991-2013] and with the conviction that the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins is the good news of salvation for all who hear and believe. The purpose of the fund is to provide funds to help individuals who are seeking to attend seminary in preparation for being called into the Office of Ministry. This Office of Ministry was instituted by God so that “we may obtain faith [Augustana Confession V]” which “God reckons… as righteousness [AC IV].” If you are a Lutheran seminarian interested in applying, please contact Chris Berg [Secretary of the
Samantha Goudy Scholarship Committee] at [email protected] or Pr. Adam Guthmiller at [email protected] for an application.
Samantha Goudy Scholarship Committee] at [email protected] or Pr. Adam Guthmiller at [email protected] for an application.