Marriage is an estate of God in which “a man leaves his mother and father and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).” Therefore, marriage involves much more than a simple wedding ceremony. It is the joining of man and woman, only to be separated in death. Marriage is fully giving all that you have to other. Her joy is now his. His sorrow is now hers. Together, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, man and woman live together and for the other as long as they both shall live.
A wedding service at First English Lutheran Church is most importantly a Christian Worship Service, where God’s Word is preached and where songs, hymns, and prayers are directed to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Pre-marital classes are required for those seeking to be married at FELC.
The use of the sanctuary and hall for weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations is freely offered to all members of FELC. Please contact the church office for the latest edition of all rules and regulations regarding the use of the facilities during the wedding.
There are facility usage fees for events hosted by non-members. They are as follows:
Use of the Sanctuary: $450
Use of Fellowship Hall & rest of facilities: $200
Use of the kitchen: $100
Please contact the church office at the earliest possible time in order to reserve your date and to receive a complete copy of the rules and regulations regarding the use of the facilities.
Marriage is an estate of God in which “a man leaves his mother and father and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).” Therefore, marriage involves much more than a simple wedding ceremony. It is the joining of man and woman, only to be separated in death. Marriage is fully giving all that you have to other. Her joy is now his. His sorrow is now hers. Together, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, man and woman live together and for the other as long as they both shall live.
A wedding service at First English Lutheran Church is most importantly a Christian Worship Service, where God’s Word is preached and where songs, hymns, and prayers are directed to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Pre-marital classes are required for those seeking to be married at FELC.
The use of the sanctuary and hall for weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations is freely offered to all members of FELC. Please contact the church office for the latest edition of all rules and regulations regarding the use of the facilities during the wedding.
There are facility usage fees for events hosted by non-members. They are as follows:
Use of the Sanctuary: $450
Use of Fellowship Hall & rest of facilities: $200
Use of the kitchen: $100
Please contact the church office at the earliest possible time in order to reserve your date and to receive a complete copy of the rules and regulations regarding the use of the facilities.